Friday, September 12, 2008


Already in one of the first weeks here (see also "mighty Russian rivers") I discovered that it is an absolute must-have of the -basic moscow survival kit-, and now as the weather has changed within a day or two from 20-25 degrees sunny days to 24 hour lasting 6 degrees showers the foldable option proves it value untill the last ruble (app. 2,78 Euro ct).

Today I witnessed, experienced and even participated in two events that easily could be executed in the famous Bolshoi theatre or in a MTV must-see video directed by Guy Ritchie.

The first one occured when I arrived at the metrostation for departure to work. As usual all kinds of people were popping out the exit (not rarely with a grumpy face and even more grumpy regarding the present weather conditions), but today it was special because of the double popping; a human one and a foldable one. Literally everbody joined. I don't know exactly why, but it looked super sympathatic and at the same time choreographied (sorry for my butchers english) to the tiniest detail.

The second event looked more dramatic and occured when I was entering another station for the way back home. A surprisingly long queue of them already started on the street and was, with a funeral like pace, moving downwards into the dark underground. No voices, no laughter. Only the constant dripping of water on plastic. With a complete face covering, yet suitable smile I joined the anonymous horde. Not completely anonymous, since sunny ones are quite rare (although I once did see a nice one that was also decorated from the inside) and mine is displaying innocent blue and bright yellow stars.
Not as solid as the Russian the European doesn't take a strong position, inside can be outside, outside can be inside, just what suits the direction of the strongest force. The Russians simply have to push one button and things are rolling while Europe requires more action before things get started.

Hmmm... I seem to be drifting away.

umbrellas are no match for this one

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hoi Jap, gezellig je onder het genot van hoger-lager weer te treffen. Viel spaß in de (Mos)kou, ik hoop dat ze de stadsverwarming al aan hebben gezet? Nu ons badkamerraam op de Edup weer dicht kan, zitten wij er weer warmpjes bij. Ajuus.