Monday, September 8, 2008


Important side-activity for people in Russia and especially Moscow is the datsja (exact spelling unknown), a summer holiday house some hours outside Moscow where the air is still clean and the people relaxed.

So there I was in the absolute middle of nowhere sitting with four Russian guys (1 collegue + 3 of his friends) that hardly spoke any English because also for them it was weekend and time to relax. Inside and outside the datsja time has stand still, let's say like a museum but then the real deal. Or even better, I took the timemachine that rides on a rail. Anyway, I was blessed to experience some true Russian adventures:

Bbq-ing + drunk police detective + vodka in the middle of the night,
fishing in the wolga + beer during daytime,
traditional naked swimming in the wolga + vodka in the night,
breakfast + vodka in the afternoon,
learning a backflip from a key in the wolga + beer in the same afternoon,
peeing in a train without toilet + beer on the way back,
sleeping on top of a builiding + beer in the night.

Igor and I were a bit late at work on monday.

the first one doesn't mean necessarily the biggest one

old russian zen-temple along the wolga

"backstreet back allright!"


Anonymous said...

tuurlijk zijn er trouwe lezers die altijd responden!
het doet mij deugd dat je al hard voorbereidingen aan het treffen ben en aan het testen ben wat een ideaal weekendje voor leon en mij zal zijn, ga zo door!

Anonymous said...

mooie tempel! en was het visje te eten? :P