Friday, March 28, 2008


Inside the slum. Literally inside, the streets are so narrow that sunlight doesn’t enter. Dark but also very colourful. Laundry is hanging to dry on electricity cables. Water drops into the small gutter that runs inside the alley. Or is the alley in fact. A blasting television, children walking along asking us to make photographs of them, the smell of masala coming out of one of the rooms. A tiny approximately 5 year old boy is poking in the gutter, playing with the indefinable substance. Although used to the smell I can almost taste the diseases in my mouth. A few steps further I see pooh and pee in and next to the gutter. The aorta running through these little allies is literally an open sewer. Maybe the people don’t know about hygiene, maybe they do. Priority number one is to survive, hygiene has to wait. It doesn’t seem to exist.

one of the numerous allies

the open sewer

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